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For Gift Card Balance or Information: Ask any Belk Associate or Call Toll Free 1 (800) 474-6102 When making a purchase, use your Gift Card just like cash. The Sales Associate will complete the sale, and your receipt will show the remaining Gift Card balance. Terms and Conditions of Belk Gift Card: The issuance of this Gift Card constitutes your acceptance of the following terms and conditions: This Gift Card may be applied toward any purchase(s) of merchandise or services at any Belk store or on This card cannot be exchanged for cash (except where required by law) or used to pay on your Belk charge account. This card is non-refundable. If lost or stolen, your card cannot be replaced or credited to any account. Issued by Belk Gift Card Company LLC 2801 West Tyvola Rd. Charlotte NC.
Disclaimer: The Home Depot® is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this promotion and is not liable for any alleged or actual claims related to this offer.
T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, Sierra and Homesense are not affiliated with InComm and are not sponsors or co-sponsors with this promotion. Use of T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, Sierra and Homesense names, logos, images, or trademarks require written approval from TJX Incentive Sales, Inc. Participation by T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, Homesense and Sierra in the program is not intended as, and shall not constitute, a promotion or marketing of the program by T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, Homesense, Sierra, The TJX Companies, Inc, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.
LOWE'S® and the GABLE MANSARD DESIGN are registered trademarks and service marks of LF, LLC. Lowe’s® is not affiliated with the program sponsor .
Gift Card terms & conditions apply. See back of Gift Card or visit for details.
The Bullseye Design, Target and Target GiftCards are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.