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Travel & Experiences
Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.
Carnival Gift Cards can be used on almost anything: towards the purchase of a Carnival cruise, activities/shore excursions, and redeemed onboard toward the Sail & Sign account for gifts, drinks, and fun.
Redemption Instructions
To redeem towards the purchase of a Carnival cruise, call 1-800-Carnival or book online at
To redeem towards activities/shore excursions or onboard gifts, drinks and fun, print and bring this ecard to the Guest Services Desk on board your cruise ship so it can be credited towards your Sail & Sign account.
This card is issued by and represents an obligation of Delta Gift Cards, Inc.
Redemption Instructions
Gift Cards may be redeemed on for cruise bookings that were made by calling 1-877-SAIL-HAL, or directly on, or through your travel consultant for bookings made by your travel consultant. Gift Cards are also redeemable onboard Holland America Line ships at the Guest Services Desk.
Onboard Mobile Redemption Instructions
To redeem your Gift Card from a mobile device display the gift card number and associated PIN (if applicable) to the Service Member at the time of purchase.
Service Member:
Hand key the gift card number and associated PIN (if applicable) into the POS.